Friday, April 04, 2008

Memoir of Sweet AngeLs

Starry oh Blink of The Night. Come join with me and Jumping into the sand of the greatest moment.

Oh... my LoveLy Friends...You Are stay always in my heart. Your eyes is my shining day, YOur Smile is my breathing, Your Careness is My Healing. How can I do without You?

I've seen Paradise between us. You'Re Flawless in My view. Chain me with Your Pure Love. Never Avoided my Reaching in Your Shoulder 'Cuz I can see Your anticipated action in me when I was feel Useless. You' Re an Hero foR on This Earth.

Storm Comes and You'Re standing beside me and Hold me with braveness. How Many People can do That way? However You'Re only Human Being. But For me, You are An Angel for me.

OOO. Starry oh....Blink of The Night. Share the warmness of Friendship all Around the world. With this, Nor Hater Neither Jealousy will come to People. No COmparing And Greedy to Have it that Love for Only one Person. Because Love is never so SelFish and Love is about Given and Achieved The Best things from human kind. They'Re That I Called My Sweet AngelS.

PS: Dedicated this for All my friendS That Always Stay with Me in my Bad Times. For Ron, thank you for keeping Me in the right way when storm comes and keeping Me Smile.

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