Thursday, July 26, 2007

My_Déjà _Vu

I have something new about life. I have been there in so many times but very awkward why i felt this time. The space when i belong to but never been felt before. it just like you are realized you had nice eyes by now even though you had it for many years along.

I do believe what people called deja-vu and i felt this morning.When i sat in next window over me, i felt it was happening me in previews years. I caught small bird with my eyes then flied into sky and left some smooth step in corner my heart. I have learnt why brain did it and some science called Deja-vu.

The term déjà vu describes the experience of feeling that one has witnessed or experienced a new situation previously. The term was coined by a French psychic researcher, Émile Boirac (1851–1917) in his book L'Avenir des sciences psychiques (The Future of Psychic Sciences), which expanded upon an essay he wrote while an undergraduate French concentrator at the University of Chicago.

It doesnt means because i have French friends and there were something called French Connection. I have little bit indulgent my self for passioned and found not most of it's was okay for me. Well, for good reason i still sync

1 komentar:

Anonymous said...

Selamat datang di Angingmammiri.
ditunggu perkenalan ta' di angingmammiri. Tudang Sipulung (forum) ruang tabe'cedde'.
