Friday, November 23, 2007

Harmony of Life

Days morning comes and touch my face with gently. Brightening lights coming over from my window. I felt calm, rejuvenated, and full of spirits. These days pretty enough to teach me alots about life.

There is warm from lights, cold from the air. No ambiguity for those. We cant feeling cold from fire, feeling love from hate, and feeling happiness from being hurt in same time. Otherwise, no one make those thing in parallel. This is we called life of harmony.

But, there must be reason why should we know that. Feeling cold to know there is thing to fight fire. Feeling love to know there is hate if we did mistake, and feeling happiness to know there is no one would like to be hurt.

I was back from my old days when my mind full of freedom thingking and my young age still had joyness only and full of sweet dreams. But the most thing I know, even I could turn back to these days and enjoyed best time, we couldn’t changed anything. All dreams at that days only few things we learnt how to reach own goals by now.

Best thing I like to remember is dream always be dreams. Its pursued us to do better. For bitter and sweet memorized, dreams take us to the places where we never can imagined before.

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