Monday, March 10, 2008

Blossom in The Spring

Revealed the spring season from the start
May blossom flower can whisper through
From it we learned about devotee
And what we called the truly Love

No one can exchange their pain how hard they try for
Even we burden the sun and we sunk the moon
Only we can see that a reflection from the mirror of destiny
Maybe we can accept or we ignore it

Blossom flower show me the Truly Love
Since human being distract from it
We just see most our life that love is for low passion, materialism, or to someone else
Then we left our mind behind to pursue nothing

That flower whatever we called it with rose, jasmine, or orchid
Belong to Divinity
Jiggling for a while
And gone for ever
at that time we learned about the eternity and belonging to

*Bismillah Tawakkaltu 'Ala Allah
(Dengan menyebut nama Allah, Aku berserah diri kepada-Nya)

1 komentar:

halfian said...

wow, nice ending ....(bismillahi tawakkaltu alallahi)